Too Early to Decorate for Christmas
(Photo credit: Thinkstock)
December 14, 2022
Deck the halls, but give it time.
Christmas is a time to celebrate and be with family. Although so is Thanksgiving, decorating for one holiday before another has even arrived can become troublesome.
Passing brightly lit houses, and huge blow-up Santas in the middle of November is not always fun to look at. Decorating for Christmas is something to be savored, to do with the family while watching movies and lighting fires. According to Martha Stewart, “Thanksgiving has yet to pass, and still the first signs of the holidays—wreaths, ornaments, lights, and trees—say it all; we’re well on our way to the countdown to Christmas.” By the time Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is around the corner, people are already getting bored of the yearly Christmas cheer. Decorating months before the holiday can cause the mood to damper when it finally comes around.
Stewart continues on to state, “And while research claims that people who give into the holiday spirit are happier, it can’t be denied that many of us would prefer to enjoy our Thanksgiving turkey before a bite of gingerbread and a glass of eggnog.” Just like eating a certain food for days on end can get boring, so can decorations and sweets. People may tire of the same events happening day after day; therefore, Christmas decorations should not be put up it is the appropriate time to truly get into the holiday spirit; the appropriate time being after Halloween and Thanksgiving.