Yuma Suspect Arrested in Double Homicide Case

Credit: Azcentral, Yuma Double Homicide
March 6, 2023
On a Monday morning in January, Yuma City Police responded to a call about shots being fired. Arriving on the scene, they found two men that had been shot.
41-year-old Francisco Lopez was pronounced dead on the scene while 35-year-old Luis Navarrete later died at Yuma Regional Medical Center. An article from Azcentral states, “Monday night, Pelayo turned himself into the Yuma Police Department, where he was taken into custody and booked on suspicion of first-degree murder.” On Monday evening, 47-year old Guadalupe Pelayo turned himself in to the police.
Samantha Byrd, a writer for Kyma News reports, “Tuesday he appeared in court for the first time being held on two counts of first degree murder.” Though he had gone to court, police were still investigating the crime and covering all of their bases. Pelayo’s bond had been set to 2-million and he was scheduled to be seen in court again on Thursday. Not many updates have been given as of March 2023. Pelayo has not been released but other facts are unknown at this time.
The families of the two murdered are able to rest a little easier knowing that the man who committed this crime is paying for what has been done.
Dennis Moffett • May 12, 2023 at 10:50 am
I’ve known Tony for 3 Yrs or more. I’ve done business with GAP body shop and I would never guess that he could commit this crime