Class Elective Choices Have Students Racing For Spots

Photo Courtesy of T.I.M.E Community Schools
April 20, 2023
With having smaller classes coming in and student interest in certain electives being low it has made it so options aren’t fewer.
Some electives have just not picked up many students’ interest therefore it was seen as unnecessary. While the variety of electives isn’t small it could still be widened. Many students have interests that may not be met by a class provided. Getting input from those who wish there was a class that suited them better may help to improve their interest in school. Classes like Journalism, Spanish, Art, and even Fire Science are great and students enjoy taking them but if other languages were offered then it would gain more interest. Electives have a set number of spots to fill and with certain ones, those spots are filled extremely fast. Having different writing classes may drag more enjoyment out of teens. While more classes would be exciting it could also lead to smaller classes. Having three or four language classes would mean fewer people in Spanish and French. Smaller classes can be a possibility it would be something to work on. The bigger problem is having teens not enjoy their chosen classes because it isn’t what they wanted. Setting up a pole, having voted or just getting the students’ honest opinions from time to time. Some electives are hardly even glanced at while others are filling up fast. Cycling out ones that are not of interest and adding ones that can be enjoyed may prove to be the right choice.