Hey, did you guys hear about last Saturday’s football field unveiling? If not, let’s catch you up to speed because this event was one of the best events so far of this upcoming season . In case you missed It there were farm games now you may ask what do you mean by farm games? Well I mean games such as cornhole, bottle ball toss and more. One of the main attractions people seemed to love were the huge water slides. I personally wasn’t able to go on one but, It seemed like an amazing time people were having on these water slides.

Now let’s hear what some of the students at Thunderbird High School thought about this event According to Baine Janowitz sophomore When asked what he thought about the success of the water slide he said “ Yes I think It was a big success a lot of people enjoyed it” I also took the liberty of asking a majority of students there students seemed to love the water slide the most. so the students enjoyed it but how did it go from the coach? Coach Little said he was very impressed with the team he feels they stepped up with this event , Coach little also said that If they do this again at some point he would love for more clubs to be involved as well.
Overall This event was a lot of fun and many students and more alike had an amazing time. Hopefully something like this can happen again for those who missed it. Hopefully this article has helped you get excited about the next event thunderbird high school throws , Have an amazing rest of your day Titans!