During lunch periods, groups of students were kicked out of the library for eating. Students are allowed to enter the library during both lunch periods in order to get work done and some students enjoy using this time to eat while working. The librarian, however, insists that students leave the library if they must eat.
Students should be allowed to eat in the library during lunch periods but students were kicked out of the library for eating while working. Respected administrator, Mr. Pierzchala, says “Students are allowed to eat in the library during lunch periods.” Mr. Pierzchala is respected because he is notorious for enforcing school rules.
Students all over the school clean up after themselves. From the cafeteria, to the courtyards, to the classrooms, students know how to take care of themselves and their surroundings. The librarian, on the other hand, assumes that students can’t be trusted with eating in the library.
The librarian at Thunderbird High School says “Students can’t eat in the library because it’s not the cafeteria.” Some students might say to just eat in the cafeteria during lunch, however, the cafeteria is packed full of students of various grades. This means that finding an open table is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Students who are respectful towards the books and clean up after themselves should be allowed to eat in the library.
Thunderbird High School relies on the Parent & Student Handbook in order to enforce rules and regulations about keeping the campus clean. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure that students take care of the school, however, there is a limit to these rules. Students in the library should be disciplined if they are leaving a mess, damaging school property such as books, or disrupting others’ learning. Students respectfully eating in the library aren’t breaking any rules, therefore, they should be allowed to eat in the library.