No one expected but Walt Disney Animation and Pixar are creating a sequel to their hit movie “Inside Out”. The movie is set to release on Jun 14, 2024 Disney released a teaser trailer where we got to see one of the few emotions “Anxiety” and then they released a full trailer for the movie. The movie follows Riely through her teenage years with the original characters we know and love. However, when a new feeling comes into Riley’s life boredom, embarrassment, ennui, and envy the other emotions are not sure what to do. “We’ll see Riley trying to navigate the world (and hockey camp) with her fresh emotions taking over, literally bottling up the established likes of Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger (Lewis Black), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Tony Hale, taking over from Bill Hader) and Disgust (Liza Lapira, stepping in for Mindy Kaling), which means our heroes must kick off a quest to regain control.” says James white in his article “Inside Out 2 Trailer: Meet Riley’s New Emotions – Envy, Ennui And Embarrassment”. From the looks of the new trailer for Inside Out 2, it will look like a coming-of-age story. Since Riley is growing and getting to the puberty stage, new emotions will show up and challenge the other emotions she already has. “You got a real sweaty palm there, buddy,” Riley, about to begin high school, tells a cowering Embarrassment after they shake hands. The trailer has other emotions in the head of the newly minted teenager in predictable turmoil as Lilimar Hernandez voices Valentina “Val” Ortiz, a high school hockey player everyone, including Riley and her friends, looks up to.” In some scenes in the provided trailer, we see that Riley’s new emotions influence her. The new trailer has fans excited for the new teenage Riley and emotions being added to the storyline.
The new Inside Out movie “Inside Out 2” will be released soon
Issis Montano, Staff Writer
April 22, 2024
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