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Psychology Is A Necessary High School Class

Region 10

High schools all around the country are beginning to shut down some of their most popular electives. The classes that attracted kids to certain schools are now being taken away and students can do nothing to help. Some of the most important classes like art and music are being stopped and students are starting to lose interest in school. One of the most important classes that is being stopped or is not made an option in many school districts is psychology class. This class can be one of the most beneficial and important classes that any high school student takes and here is why. 

One reason why a psychology class should be a requirement in all high schools is because it can help students learn how to manage their workload and strengthen their time management skills. The American Psychological Association reveals that taking a psychology class is beneficial because it isn’t about learning the material and being tested on it, “Psychology can teach you how to get the most out of studying, stay motivated in class, and take better notes.” It is a well-known fact that high school students have a large workload and it is extremely easy to become overwhelmed and stressed. Being overly stressed can lead to poor results and cause students to become easily frustrated at school. A psychology class can help students learn how to manage their busy schedules and retain the drive and passion to do well in school. 

Another reason why all high schools should allow students to take a psychology class is because it prepares students who want to study psychology for college. Many people who attend college decide to take a psychology class as an elective, or even major in the field. Harvard Summer School states that “According to a Niche ranking, psychology was the third most popular major among college students in the classes of 2022 and 2023.” Allowing students to take a psychology class in high school before college gives them a chance to determine if they want to continue their journey in the psychology field. Students should be exposed to the content so that they can make their own decisions before college and not have to spend time and money trying to change their major.

Some may say that high schools should not have to go through so much trouble to make a psychology class available to students because there are far more important classes that need to be prioritized. Students can participate in other classes like science and math to help prepare them for a psychology course. Students can knock out the required credits to graduate high school and still be prepared for psychology in college. However, it would be much more effective and helpful to experience the class by itself and see that it is so much more than science and math. There are multiple fields of psychology but all lead back to learning about how the most complex organ in the human body, the brain, builds a relationship with the environment it is in. Learning about how the brain works and how it reacts to the different environments it is placed in can help people understand their personalities. 

A psychology class is necessary in high school because being able to learn about your true identity and being comfortable with it is the key to success in high school and life in general. Many people will attempt to pull you in different directions and want to change who you are but if you have a firm foundation and know who you are you won’t succumb to them.

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