Spirit Week allows students to reveal their creativity. The most popular Spirit Week themes include color code, jersey, and pajama day. The Spirit Week theme that most people participate in is Pajama Day. This is because students are excited to get the chance to wear their pajamas to school without getting in trouble.
Students at Thunderbird are prohibited from wearing pajama pants due to the dress code rules. As administrator and disciplinary coordinator, John Pierzchala, states, “Students aren’t allowed to wear pajama pants to school.” Because of the dress code rules, pajama pants directly contradict and negate the Spirit Week theme of Pajama Day.
On an average school day, students get dress-coded for wearing pajama pants. If students refuse, they typically end up with a disciplinary infraction such as a detention or suspension.
Most students believe that wearing pajama pants to school is exciting, however, structure is very important in a school environment. Dress code rules are made for a reason: to ensure that students know what is and isn’t acceptable in a learning and professional environment. Thunderbird High School has determined that pajamas are inappropriate attire for school, therefore, the inconsistencies of spirit week counteract the dress code.
Thunderbird High School should choose whether students should be allowed to wear pajamas rather than confusing students through spirit week. This would allow students to be less confused about dress code regulations.
Angelica Alvarez • May 17, 2024 at 10:36 am
love it!