Netflix and WWE Raw have a deal in which Netflix paid 5 billion dollars for 10 years so they can have exclusive rights to start streaming WWE Raw on their platform. After five years, Netflix can choose to stop streaming WWE Raw or to keep it on its platform. WWE’s first episode on Netflix streamed on Jan. 6. Its success on Netflix has been good with some minor difficulties.
Within a week of WWE Raw on Netflix, it had about 5.9 million global viewers. It also had a runtime of 2 hours and 20 minutes. Then in week two, the views dropped down 2 million global viewers. According to “One contributing factor to decrease is the runtime.” Week two of WWE Raw on Netflix had 30 minutes less runtime than week one’s runtime. From there it has been balancing 2.9 million viewers – 3 million viewers.
WWE Raw is currently in the top ten most-watched shows on Netflix. There are many ways it can become more successful. Travis Azevedo, Wrestling Coach, says “I believe with the right advertisement and storylines could continue to be a successful company.” WWE Raw is off to a good start with many more episodes to come.