Thunderbird Cheer Squad

Carly Lapre, Staff Writer

Thunderbird’s cheer team is working hard and amping up the Titans’ sports teams, and people are watching. 

The cheer team has started to feel more at home now that the covid restrictions are not as present. Coach Jennifer Flanagan noted that “this year is way different from last year just because [they] had a lot of restrictions because of covid, and this year actually feels like a normal year for [them].” They are able to compete and practice to their fullest extent this year and have used that to their advantage. 

The cheer team has taken time to bond and build exceptional trust during and away from practice and competitions. They boost each other up and are always showing growth, as well as show tremendous amounts of school spirit and are lifting up Thunderbird’s name. Both JV and varsity are training and practicing hard for their first competition of the year on Oct. 29, 2022.

Many students have moved up through the ranks and are just waiting to prove themselves at competition. Each and every one of them has worked for where they are and continue to prove themselves during every game and practice while still enjoying what they do and where they are. Titans, be sure to come out to watch games and support your cheer team!