Quotes From a Second Grade Class: Summer Break

Image Credit: Pinterest

Keira and Kaley Gottschling, Editor and Staff Writer

The thrill of summer break is a universal experience among all students. We traveled to Lookout Mountain Elementary to interview second graders in Ms. Ameis’s class.

The first question we asked the students was what they found most exciting about summer break. Students Dallas, Madden, Dean, and Samayah love to go swimming in the hot season. Jordan told us she thinks vacations are the most exciting thing about summer, and Gemma states that vacations to California are her favorite part. However, being with friends and family was also a common answer among students.

Tasty snacks are another special aspect of the summer. All the students got excited when ice cream was mentioned, yet students Noelle and Hunter agreed that french fries are the best snack. However, Rosalie is “more of a salad kid.” Dean, Madden, and Beckham felt strongly about popsicles being the #1 snack of summer. 

Although getting out of school for a couple of months is great, afterward is a big transition from one grade to the next; which can be a bittersweet experience. The students reflected on their favorite parts of the second-grade year. Hunter told us he loves fun Fridays, and Noelle replied: “Lots of math.” Beckham and Madden will miss PE, and Music was especially memorable for Dean. Jordan reminded us of sweet sentiment, she will miss her teacher. To sum it all up, Ms. Ameis’s students are excited, nervous, and happy at the thought of being third graders. 

When you were in second grade, do you remember what you thought high schoolers did during the summer? Jordan told us, “High schoolers will have girls’ nights and [will be] doing sleepovers,” Samyah adds, “and making pizzas!” Noelle suggests that high schoolers play with their friends. Gemma informed us that her brother, James, goes skating a lot.

These students imagined their future summer break when they will be in high school. 

“I think I am just going to hang out with Elana” and “eat watermelon all day” states Rosalie. Dallas will swim a lot, do gymnastics, and wants Dustin to “face call” her. Rosalie also informed us that in Australia, kindergarten and preschool are switched, and we heard the girls’ best Australian accents. Noelle, Gemma, and Dustin will hang out with their friends. Noelle will also do makeup in the summer. Hunter wants to play Call of Duty because by then, he will be allowed to play the game. Samayah said, “I think I would give money to the children that don’t have money, and hang out with family.” Jordan followed up saying she wants to do the same thing.

After talking with the amazing kids, the year of second grade sounded memorable and thrilling. Stay safe, have fun, and hang tight, students. Summer vacation is quickly approaching!